Last year, the Olympics were held in Paris, and after watching the dominant performance of the US Dream Team, I decided to create something about it. It was a great way to practice my keyframes, and this was the result!
Ano passado aconteceram as olimpíadas em París, e depois de assistir a temporada dominante que o Dream Team dos EUA emplacou, decidi criar algo a respeito, uma bela forma de treinar meus keyframes, e esse foi o resultado!
Since I've been playing basketball since I was a kid (or at least trying to), I already had all the moves in my head. I just needed to put them into practice. The big issue was: creating the character itself doing the moves would be a ton of work, and I had to deliver this in 4 days to not miss the Olympics hype.
Como eu jogo basquete desde pequeno (ou pelo menos tento) eu já tinha todos os movimentos na minha cabeça, faltava somente colocar em prática. a grande questão foi: criar o personagem em si fazendo os movimentos ia dar muuuuito trabalho, e eu tinha que entregar isso em 4 dias, para não perder o timing dos jogos olímpicos.
That's when I had the idea to just remove the character and focus on the ball's movement. That's why the whole scene only has 2 different shots, because this way, I could focus even more on the keyframes themselves.
Foi quando tive a ideia de só tirar o personagem, e pensar no movimento da bola, por isso que a cena como um todo tem somente 2 takes diferentes, por que assim, eu consigo focar ainda mais nos keyframes em si.

5 Steps to Create this Ball
1) Create the ball texture → 2) Add Turbulent Displace → 3) Precomp → 4) Add CC Sphere and Roughen Edges → 5) Add Shadows and Lights

Movement Ball Effect
Compound Blur + Radial Blur + Displacement Map
The idea here is to have the effects applied only during the peak velocity of the movement.

Behind The Scenes